Updated December 24, 2023

Charles City County was named for Charles I of England and was one of the eight shires established in 1634. The county seat is Charles City.
Bristol Parish, abt 1643-1702
Charles City Parish, 1613
Chickacoan Parish, bef 1640-1643
Flowerdew Hundred Parish, abt 1620-1688
Jordan's Journey, abt 1620-1688
Martin's Brandon Parish, 1655-1702
Smith's Hundred Parish, abt 1617-1619
Southampton Parish, 1619-1622
Wallingford Parish, 1643-1720
West and Shirley Parish, abt 1613-1622
Westover Parish, abt 1625-1702
Weyanoke Parish, abt 1618-1702
Wilmington Parish, abt 1658-1723

The early days of Charles City County saw many GILLIAMs. In the 1660's a John GILLIAM appears in connection with an Anthony Tall and in regard to bounties for wolves. He, as Mr. John GILLOM, on 20 Oct 1689 received 261 acres in Bristoll Parish, on south side of Appamoattuck River beginning at a point of rocks, and adjacent Hugh Leaden’s land. His mother, referred as Mrs. [Margary] GILLAM along with Barker and Leden [sic] is referred to in the bounds of a patent received by Jarvis Dix in 1682. At the October Court 1688 the justices summoned the executors of the estate of Margery GILLIAM to account for the belongings to Hugh Leaden above. This GILLIAM line settles into Prince George (the lines of Charles and John GILLIAM) and Surry (the line of Hinchea GILLIAM).
The elusive Henry GILLIAM of early patents also makes an appearance. Henry dies around 1660, for a Thomas Drew(e) is appointed administrator of his estate that same year. It has been suggested the "Hen." not stand for Henry but for Henshaw/Hinchea. If so, he would likely be a near relative to John GILLIAM who married Margary, above.
The predominant GILLIAM line of Charles City is that of Jeffrey GILLIAM, son of William GILLIAM, one of the early constables at Weyanoke. William owned jointly with Jeffrey Munford, land along Oldman's Creek and Seller Run. Jeffrey Munford appears to be the namesake of William's son, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey GILLIAM, Jr., a grandson of William, leaves a Will in 1768 mentioning his children. His son, Jeffrey GILLIAM, III, continues in Charles City and may be found in the 1810 Census.
It appears that Jeffrey's brother, Richard, did not settle in Charles City, but in Saint Peter's Parish, New Kent, just across the Chickahominy River. However, at least one of Richard's sons did live in Charles City. Epaphroditus GILLIAM, (1707-1761) son of Richard GILLIAM of New Kent leaves a Will dated 1761. It, like that of Jeffrey's, is witnessed by William Green Munford. He and his wife are involved in a chancery suit with the Johnsons, Murrells, and Russells. There must have been a family connection to the Russells, since Jeffrey GILLIAM is selected as guardian of the infant, Thomas Russell in the 1790's.
In 1764, a John GILLIAM marries in Dover Parish, Goochland, Elizabeth Murrell, daughter of Thomas Murrell above. This John settles in Albemarle County and names a son Epaphroditus. It is believe that this John is a son of Epaphroditus (1707-1761) and his wife Priscilla.
3 Jan 1806
Bond. John Major and Jeffrey GILLIAM to Major Willcox and John Colgin, executors of John Colgin, deceased.
Nov 1755, Court
Marmaduke Brown vs. Francis Johnson, William Russell and Elizabeth his wife, Epaphroditus GILLIAM and Priscilla his wife, Thomas Murrell, Jeffry Murrell and Thomas Russell; in Chancery.
Referred to General Court.
Jeffrey GILLIAM, 2 slaves
1 male age 10-15
1 male age 16-25
1 male age 26-44
1 male age >45 [Jeffery]
1 female age 16-25
1 female >45 [Sarah]
Ancestry.com Federal Census.
By 1820, Jeffrey has died and presumably Sarah, his wife too, since she is not provided for in the Will of Jeffery. His sons are not listed in the 1820 Census. The only GILLIAM, is Carter GILLIAM, son of Carter GILLIAM and Elizabeth Green Hancock.
In the 1830, Edward GILLIAM, age 20-30, son of Jeffrey, per Will of Jeffery is listed with a wife, age 20-30, and a daughter age 5-10.
In 1840 Edward has presumably died. Listed are two Nancy GILLIAMs, each with a daughter the correct age to be Edward's daughter of 1830. The Nancy living adjacent the Binns appears to be the wife of Edward since he in 1830 lived adjacent the Binns, however, this Nancy appears to be slightly older than she "should" be according to the 1830 Census, however, in light of the 1830 Census, Edward's age seems incorrect in light of the 1810 Census.
No GILLIAMs by any spelling are found in the 1850-1870 Charles City Censuses.
In 1880 the family of William (age 35) and Martha GILLIAM (age 30) are living at Chickahominy with a Louisa Vaiden as boarders. William is listed as a sailor at sea. Also living in the household is Forest GILLIAM (age 6) and Ellen GILLIAM (age 1).
No GILLIAMs by any spelling are found in the 1900-1930 Charles City Censuses.
Court Orders
11 Jul 1655
Hatcher as Thos ffones told me before Jo: Gilham and Saml Woodward did say at Mr. Wm. Johnsons the night before he went downe (there being then present Will Baugh, Tho Jones, Tho. ffones, and his wife and John Pryse) that he would hang Mr. Landsdale in England at Tyburner and that he wish'd he could meet with Ned Hill in England, and that he was going fer England to be released of his good behavior, and that he wondered why such could bind him to his behavior that never had none themselves, and the he would have a bout with the Gov'nor Bennett when he came there.
Rec. 11 Jul 1656, page 5
Charles City County, Order Book, 1656-1658
27 Oct 1657
Att a cort holden att Westov'r
Jo. GILHAM paid 200 lbs tobo for 1 wolf's head, page 71
Charles City County, Order Book, 1656-1658
25 Oct 1659,
Att a Co'rt holden att Merchts Hope 8br 25 1659
Ordered that 29 lb tobbo per polle forthwith collected by the sherr on the tytheables of the whole Com and paid as foll:
Henry Gilham, paid 200 lbs tobo for 1 wolf's head, page 208
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
3 Dec 1659
Attachment to John Gilham agt Antho Tall's est. for 1100 lb tobo per bill, page 213
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
20 Jan 1659
Trespass case
The Jury vidst
Ca. Otho Southcott, foreman Mr. Thos. Broome
Mr. Jo. Drayton Mr. Richd Taylor
Mr. H. Banister Mr. Jas. Blamore
Mr. Tho. Holford Mr. Wm. Sanders
Mr. Rice Hoe Mr. Thos. Calloway
Mr. Jo. Stirdevant Mr. John Gilham, page 219?
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
Judgt and exec to Jno GILHAM agst estate of Antho Tall for 1100 lb tobo. page 224.
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
4 Jun 1660
Att a Co'rt holden at Westov'r
Com of Admr of est of Henry GILHAM, dec'd., to Mr. Thomas Drewe as formerly made over.
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
10 Oct 1660
It is ordered that 31 lb tobbo per poll be forthwith levied by the sherr upon ev'y tytheable person in this Com. and pd as foll:
Ho[well]: Pryse for 1 by assignment of Wm Gilham 100 lb tobo, page 298
Charles City Co. Court Orders, 1659-1661
9 Jan 1662
Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed being upon the Jury concerning the death of John Prise doe finde to the best of o'r knowledge that the s'd John Prise did come to his untimely end by the reason of his running away from his M'r Rice Hoe and soe was starved for want of victualls w'ch runningaway we doe apprehend was by the meanes of the sad stripes what appeared upon his body give him by his Mrs. Susanna Hoe upon the 2'd of January but wee doe not finde any mortall wound upon him., page 357.
Daniell Clarke Neal Sincler
ffer: Aston Wm (x) GILLUM
Rich: Bradford John (x) Hottly
Thos: Calloway Thos (x) Turner
Phillip Owen Thos (x) Richard
Jeoffrey (IM) Momford Jno. (IP) Parish
[Patent records shows the above were neighbors]
Charles City County, 1661-1664
25 Feb 1663/64
Power of atty. Thos Lowe of Bristol parish, Charles City Co., planter, to "my loveing father in law John Wilson" of the same parish, Henrico Co., planter, to collect debts and "dispose of all the other estate I leave in Virga (except one yoke of oxen)"
Signed: Thomas (the seale) Lowe
Wit: Henry Randolph
John Cillum (GILLUM?), page 457
Charles City County, 1661-1664
25 Feb 1663/64
Acknowledgment. "Whereas my father in law John Wilson senior of Appamatock did give unto my sonne William Lowe his grandchild certain cattle x x" to be kept until he be 231. The cattle being 2 cows, 2 heifers, and 1 cow calf.
Tho. Lowe acknowledges the keeping of the cattle for his son.
Signed: Thomas Lowe (the seale)
Wit: Henry Randolph
John Cillum (GILLUM?), page 458.
Charles City County, 1661-1664
3 Jun 1664
Nonsuit, to John GILHAM deft agt Wm Hunt plt., page 472
Charles City County, 1661-1664
3 Aug 1661
Mr. Jno. GILHAM dismissed from suit of Wm Hunt atty of Anthony Tall for illegal detention of a serv't belonging to Tall. He having delivered the serv't on first demand, etc. over a servant, page 464
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
21 Jul 1664
Deed. Edward Hill sells to John GILHAM 1300 acres.
Signed: Edw Hill
Wit: Henry Randolph
Eliza Reppes
Recognit in Cur 3 Aug 1664 per Edwd Hill, etc.
Recognit in Cur by Elizabetham Hill 9ber 11 Anno 1665.
Teste Hoel Pryse, Cl
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
5 dayes in recovering a serv't of Anthony Talls from Mr. GILLUM, 130 tobo.
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
19 Jun 1664
Goodman Mumford and William GILLUM these are to certefie you both that you may freely goe upon your land w'ch I and Willm Hitchman sold you, without any doubt about your occatons. I had beene with you before now to give you assurance of your land but my occ'acons prevented me but God wiling I will be with you the next Court gett your bill of Sale ready nt else but that I am
Your friend,
Thos Spencer
June the 19th 1664
Whereas Tho. Spencer sold certeine land to Jefferey Momford and Willm GILLAM and promised by his lre produced in Court to appear here in August Court last to give them assurance thereof. The Court on request of the sd Momford and GILLUM doth hereby certefie whom it may concerne that the sd Spencer hath made no such appearance nor assurance at all neither in August Court aforesd nor any tyme since in this Com., page 503
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
3 Jun 1665
Wm Gilham sworn constable for Weynoke, page 553
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
1 Jul 1665,
Daniell Clarke, planter, of Oldman's Creek sells, for a bill of 5000 lb tobo rec'd to Jeofferey Mumford and Willim GILLUM "a tract of land joyneing to the horse path that goes to Jamestown." Further description of land in surveyors terms. All being 200 acres.
Signed Daniel Clarke
Wit: Tho. Porter, John Smyth
Recognit in cur, Aug 3 per Danl Clarke et Francise Clarke uxor
Test Hoel Pryse, Cl
Recorded 6 Aug 1665, page 572
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
1 Jul 1665
Daniell Clarke, planter, of Oldmans Creek sells, for a bill of 5000 lb tobo re'd, to Jeffrey Mumford and William GILLUM a tract of land joyneing to the horse path that goes to Jamestowne . . . all being 200 acres"
Signed Daniel Clarke, witnessed by Tho: Ligon and John Smyth.
Charles City County, Court Orders 1664-1665 and 1650-1696 Fragments
Tho. Malory one of the exors of Thos Bridges ordered to "delliver one Gunn unto John Gillham."
page 531.
Charles City County, VA, Court Orders, 1672-1674, page ___
3 Dec 1678, Court at Westover
Mr. Robert Bolling stands security for Mrs. GILLUM, she having the estate of orphan Hugh Leaden in her hands, page 338
Ayres, Margaret McNeill. Charles City County, Order Book 1676-1679, 1968.
Oct 1688
At the October Court 1688 the justices summoned the executors of the estate of Margery GILLIAM to account for the belongings to Hugh Leaden,
page 158.
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
3 Apr 1690
At a Court Holden at Westopher 3rd. April A.D. 1690 in 2nd year of William & Mary, King and Queen of England.
Fortune GILLAM relinquishes her right of dower in land sold by her husband to Mr. Robert Bolling.
page 76
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
12 Jun 1690
At a Court Holden at Westopher for Charles City 12 Day June, Anno 1690.
p. 287 Judgt. granted Richard GILLAM agst. sherr. Cha. Goodrich for non appearance of James Callum
[also spelled Callam in same order]
page 80
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
4 Aug 1690
At a Court Holden at Westopher 4th day Aug. Anno 1690
Judgt. confirmed to Richd GILLAM agst. Jo. Harwood, late sub sher. for £3/10 for non appearance of Ja. Callum
page 87
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
9 Oct 1690
At a Levy Court Held at Westopher 9th Oct. A.D. 1690
p. 316. Whereas Jno. Mustchamp, Jno. Turner, Richd. GILLAM, Wm Smith, Sylvanus Stoakes, Jr. and Robert Ireland and Jno. Ellis in Appamattuck are presented to the court for not giving in their lists of tithes, it is ordered that Tho. Cotton summon the delinquents to the next court and then and there prosecute them.
page 94
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
3 Mar 1691
p. 389 A Court at Westopher for Charles City 3rd March 1691, In suit of Richd. Gilliam agst Wm Oliver, and deft, not appearing, judgement freanted agst Sherr. for 1250 lbs tobacco (p. 124)
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
5 Dec 1693
December 5, 1693 The court sits . . . p. 479. Jeffery and Richard Gillam were subpoened on this case on part of the plt. Deft. at court confesses taking of mare and selling her for 1000 lbs tobacco (p. 166)
p. 480. Ordered that Richard Jones pay Jeffery and Richard Gilham, each of them, for 1 days attendance as witnesses, agst John Hunt. (p.167)
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
3 Jun 1695
At a Court Holden at Westover, 3rd. of June 1695
p. 572. Robert Lansdown agst. Capt. Henry Soan for tailor's work done to value of 950 lbs tobacco. Deft. says he owes nothing and pleades statute of limitation. This is overuled. It appears by oath of Richard Gilham that deft. promised payment in 1 year. (p. 206)
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
3 Jun 1695
p. 576. Richard Gilham hath order for 2 days attendance in case of Robert Lansdon agst. Capt. Soane (p. 208)
Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.
10 Aug 1722.
Deed from Thomas Murrell to John Woodhouse proved by oath of William Murrell, Jeffrey Murrell, & Richard GILLIAM & ordered to be recorded, page 155.
Charles City County, VA, Order Book 1722-1723, page ___
Apr Court 1745
James Jackson granted administration of estate of Menera Stone, decd. James Bell, James Bell, Jr. Justinian Justiss, Jr. and Epaphroditus Gillum to appraise.
page 344
June 1750, Court
Deed of Alexander Rudder to John GILLIAM recorded. Hannah, wife of Rudder, relinq dower.
Charles City County, VA, Fragments, 1769, page ___
November Court 1755
Marmaduke Brown vs Francis Johnson, William Russell, and Elizabeth his wife, Epaphroditus Gilliam and Priscilla his wife, Thomas Murrell, Jeffry Murrell and Thomas Russell in Chancery.
referred to General Court.
page 336
At a Court held for Charles City County the 5th of July 1769.
Chas GILLIAM vs. Robert Harrison pefa[?] Plea waved & Judged according to former Judgement & Cost.,
Charles City County, VA, Fragments, 1769, page 8
18 Jan 1692/3
Deed from Jeffrey GILLIAM of Charles City County, for 2000 pounds tobacco, to John Hunt of the same county, a tract of 50 acres on north side of Wynoak Parish, being part of a parcel of land formerly bought of Mr. Daniel Clarke of this county, by my father William GILLAM and Jefry Munford, joint purchasers, and by the said Mumford, the survivor, made over at court held at Westover 5 April 1669, to me as one of the heirs of my father, dec'd. The land is between Seller Run and Oldman's Creek, being undivided from a parcel purchased by said Hunt from my brother Richard GILLIAM, given to Richard by said Mumford.
Jefry (I) GILLAM
Dated 18 Jan 1692.
Wit: John Turner, Richard (X) Homes
Rec: 3 Aug 1693
Charles City County Will & Deed Book 1692-1694, page 163
1 Sep 1726
Richard GILLIAM of Westover Parish, Charles City Co. to Jeffrey GILLIAM of same, for 3000 lb. tobacco, 125 acres bounded by Murrell's line, said Jeffrey, William GILLIAM, Long Branch, Jeffrey Munford, Harman Bosman.
Wit: Valentine Minge, John Bosman.
Signed: Richard GILLIAM.
Rec. 7 Sep 1726
Charles City County Deed Book ___, page ___
7 Jun 1769
Jonathan Patteson of New Kent Co, to James Quigen of Charles City, for £75, land bounded by Potato Run, 75 acres
Wit: John Crew, Robert Crew, Jeffry Gilliam
Sig: Jonathan Patteson,
Rec: 7 Jun 1769
page 134
7 Aug 1771
Francis Wilson of Charles City Co., to Jeffry GILLIAM of same, for 50 pd, 125 acres that said Wilson purchased of John GILLIAM, bounded by William Edwards, Thomas Russell, William West and said Jeffry GILLIAM
Wit: Edward Russell, Will West, Jas. Thompson
Sig: Francis Wilson
Rec: 1 Jan 1772, page 336
Elizabeth, wife of Francis, relinquished her dower rights.
Charles City County, VA, Will and Deed Book, 1766-1774, page 336
1 Jan 1772
Jeffrey GILLIAM with wife, Sarah, sold 125 acres to Philemon Charles of same, for £50, 125 acres, purchases of Francis Wilson.
Wit: Samuel Russell, Francis Drake, Edward Russell
Sig: Jeffry Gilliam
Red: 1 Jan 1772
Sarah wife of Jeffry, relinquished her dower right.
Charles City County, VA, Will and Deed Book, 1766-1774, page 337
3 Aug 1773
Jeffrey GILLIAM of Charles City sells to Robert Drake of the same, for £38.15, 70 acres part of the land said Gilliam lives on, bounded by Collins Run, Susannah Christian and Philip Charles.
Wit: Henry Vaughan, Gallorthun Walker, John Robinson,
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam
Rec: 1 sep 1773
Sarah relinquishes her dower.
Charles City County, VA, Will and Deed Book, 1766-1774, page 502.
2 Mar 1774
Jeffery Gilliam of Charles City Co, to Robert Drake, of same, for £20, 80 acres where said Jeffery now dwells, bounded by Collins Run, lands of said Gilliam lately.
Wit: Saml Major, Stephen West, Nicholas Hot.
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam
Rec 4 Mar 1774
Sarah wife of Jeffery, relinquished her dower right
Charles City County, VA, Will and Deed Book, 1766-1774, page 342
19 Nov 1812
The indenture made the 21st day of May in the year of Christ 1812 between Jeffery Gilliam and Sarah his wife of the county of Charles city of the one part and Thomas Morecock of the same county of the other part
Witnesseth that the said Gilliam and wife for and in consideration of the sum of thirty two dollars to hem in hand paid by the said Morecock the receipt whereof the said Jeffery Gilliam and wife do hereby acknowledged have, granted, bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Morecock a certain tract or parcel of land containing eight acres be the same more or less lying and being in the aforesaid county of Charles city and bounded as follows to wit
beginning at the road and leading down the valley to Edmond Binn’s low grounds
thence along his low grounds to the next valley,
thence up the valley to maple a mark tree
thence to a corner pine and thence to the road where began
To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Thomas Morecock has heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thomas Morecock his heirs and assigns forever.
And the said Jeffery Gilliam and Sarah his wife for themselves, their heirs executors and administrators do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Morecock his heirs and assigns that they the aid Jeffery Gilliam and Sarah his wife and their heirs the said tract or parcel of lad with its appurtenances unto him the said Thomas Morecock his heirs and assigns against them the said Jeffery Gilliam and Sarah his wife and their heirs and against all persons whomsoever, shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend.
In witness whereof the said Jeffery Gilliam and Sarah his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first in this indenture written.
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Wit: Rivers Collier, Jones R. Christian, J. M. Gregory
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book, 5, page 447
10 Mar 1814
This indenture made this 10th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen between Jeffery Gilliam of Charles City County of the first part and Talbott Parrish of said county of the other part, witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds on bond bearing date March 10th, 1814 which sun is to be discharged by four equal annual payments as will appear by reference to said bond, and which sum he the said Jeffery Gilliam is indebted to John Minge exor of Collier Harrison decd of said county and he the said Jeffery Gilliam being willing and desirous to secure the same to the said John Minge and for and in consideration of one dollar in hand paid by the said Talbott Parish at the execution of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he, the said Jeffery Gilliam hath granted & bargained & sold and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and confirm unto the said Talbott Parrish his heirs and assigns forever one certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in Charles City County and bounded as follows to wit:
On each by the land of Stephen Davidson, on the north by those of Edward Warren decd on the east by those of Easton Christian and on the south by Collins run and containing one hundred acres more or less and the reversion and reversions, and remainders and remainders, rents and profits thereto and all the estate rights, title, interest, claim and demand of him the said Jeffery Gilliam and all persons claiming under him of, in, or to the same and every part or parcel thereof to have and to hold all and singular the premises with all improvements and appurtenances unto him, the said Talbott Parrish his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Talbot Parrish his heirs and assigns forever and the said Jeffery Gilliam doth for himself, his heirs, exors, etc forever warrant and defend against all persons claiming by for or through him upon trust nevertheless that the said Talbott Parrish his heirs etc shall and will on the first day of January 1818 proved the bond above name is not discharged with the accruing interest sell for the best price that can be had at public sale the said granted land and premises and all of the money arising from such sale pay and satisfy the aforesaid installments with the legal interest to the said Minge and, if, there be any surplus money after paying the aforesaid installments together with the expenses attending to execution of the deed the said Parrish shall pay such surplus if any there be to the said Gilliam or to his legal representatives.
In witness whereof the parties to heres presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the date and year above written.
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam, Talbott Parrish
Signed, sealed in presence of: James Timberlake, Thos W. Walker, Henry Timberlake
At a court held for Charles City County at the Courthouse the 21 day of April 1814, the aforewritten indenture interest was acknowledged by Jeffery Gilliam and Talbott Parrish parties thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: Wyatt Walker CC
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book, 5, pages 514-515.
8 Feb 1816
This indenture of bargain and sale made and entered into this 28 day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixteen between Jeffery Gilliam of the one part and Henry Adams of the other part both of Charles City County
Witnesseth that he the said Jeffery Gilliam for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and fifty three dollars and thirty three cents in hand paid to him by the said Henry Adams, the receipt whereof he the said Jeffery Gilliam doth hereby acknowledge and therefore hath granted, bargained for, sold, and conveyed and by these presents doth grant, bargain for, sell, and convey unto the said Henry Adams his heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land situate in the aforesaid County of Charles city and bounded on the east by the lands of Stephen Davidson, deceased, on the north by the lands of Edward Warren, decd on the west by the lands of Easton Christian and on the south by Collins Run, containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less
To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the only proper used and behoof of him the said Henry Adams his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Jeffery Gilliam for himself his heirs Exors and Admin doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Henry Adams his heirs etc that he the said Jeffery Gilliam his heirs etc will forever warrant and defend the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging against all persons claiming by for or through him and against all other persons whatsoever . . .
In testimony whereof the said Jeffery Gilliam hath hereunto set his hand an seal the day and year above mentioned
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam
Signed, sealed etc in presence of
Wit: Richard [his X mark] Clarke, Robert Crew, Edward Gilliam
Received the consideration within mentioned of four hundred and fifty three dollars of Henry Adams in full.
Sig: Jeffery Gilliam
Wit: Richard [his X mark] Clarke, Robert Crew, Edward Gilliam
At a court held for Charles City County at the courthouse the 18th day of April 1816. The aforewritten indenture and the receipt thereon endorse were proved by the oath of Edward Gilliam a witness to the same and at another court held for said Count as aforesaid the 20 day of June following the said indenture and receipt were further proved by the affirmation of Robert Crew another witness to the same and at another court held for said County as aforesaid the 18th day of July next ensuing the said indenture and receipt were further and fully proved by the oath of Richard Clarke, another witness to the same and ordered to be recorded.
Teste, Wyatt Walker, CC
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book, 5, pages 627.
17 Jan 1820
Michael Pearman bought the estate of Edward GILLIAM's father, Jeffrey. See Wilcox v. Pearman, January, 1838, Richmond.
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 323
[Edward GILLIAM's father was Jeffery GILLIAM. ]
1 Jan 1827
Carter N. Gilliam to John Parkhill, Jr., 253 1/2 acres, Dogham
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book, 7, page 171
4 Aug 1840
This indenture made this 4th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty between Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife of the county of Prince George of the one part and Mary Cocke of the same county of the other part
Witnesseth that the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to them by the said Mary Cocke in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Mary Cook [sic] her heirs and assigns all the right title claim interest, and demand which they the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife now have or may at any time hereafter have as joint heirs of the late Mrs. Christian Gilliam to a certain tract or parcel of land contain fifty eight acres, three roods, and thirty one _____ be the same more or less lying and being in the county of Charles City and known by the name of “Eppes Island” that being the portion of said Island to which the heirs of the late Mrs. Christian Gilliam are entitled agreeably to the plat made by Jonathan Smith and filed with in the suit of Friend vs. Cocke and wife.
To have and to hold the said right title and interest in the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenance thereto belonging to her the said Mary Cocke, her husband and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Mary Cocke heirs and assign forever
And the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife for themselves, their heirs executors and administrators do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Mari Cocke her heirs and assigns that they the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife and their heirs and against all persons whomsoever shall and will by these presences forever ___ and defend
In testimony whereof the said Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year above written.
Sig: Chas. Friends, Catherine B. Friend
Prince George County to wit
We John E. Meade and Marius Gilliam Justices of the peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Charles Friend a party to a certain deed bearing date the fourth day of August 1840 and hereto annex personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed and _____ us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Charles City in order that the said deed may be recorded
Given under our hands and seals this 24th day of March 1841.
Sig: Jno E. Meade, JP and Marius Gilliam, JP
Prince George County to wit
We John E. Meade and Marius Gilliam Justices of the peace for the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that Catherine B. Friend the wife of Charles Friend parties to a certain deed bearing date the fourth day of August 1840 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and being examined by us privily and apart from her husband and having the notion of the said deed fully explained to her she the said Catherine B. Friend acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it.
Given under our hands and seals this 24th day of March 1841.
Sig: Jno E. Meade, JP and Marius Gilliam, JP
At a court held for Charles City County at the Courthouse on Thursday the 19th day of August 1841. This indenture was produced in Court and having been acknowledged according to law by Charles Friend and Catherine B. his wife parties to the same as her certificates to said Indenture annexed in together with said certificate ordered to be recorded.
Teste Ro. W Christian,
[Marius Gilliam, the son of Dr. James Skelton Gilliam and Mary Feild, married Rebecca Shute Dunant]
20 May 1848
Elizabeth F. Gilliam to John P. Royall, Dogham.
Charles City County, VA, Deed Book, 10, page 76
Deed of Trust
Benjamin Cocke and Mary (Eppes) Cocke to Benjamin Harrison and Nathaniel Nelson for Eppes Island, Charles City County, Virginia, for the benefit of Hill Carter (bears affidavits of Hill Carter, Thomas P. Cocke, Marius GILLIAM, John E. Meade, and Samuel Perkins and recorded by Robert Walker Christian).
Thomas Russell Orphan in Acct with Jeffery Gilliam, Guardian
Jeffrey GILLIAM, Guardian for infant Thomas Russell
Jeffery GILLIAM, Guardian for infant Thomas Russell.
Jeffrey GILLIAM, Guardian for infant Thomas Russell.
26 Jun 1828
Married at Mount Erin, on Thursday, June 26, by Rev. Robert B. Croes, Carter N. GILLIAM of Charles City County, to Miss Elizabeth Mayo Fulton.
Richmond Commercial Compiler, p. 3, c. 1, Thursday, July 3, 1828.
A Physician's Accounts, 1804-1807
A Physician's Accounts, 1804-1807, page 38
Dragoons 1701/1702,
21 Nov 1776
Militia draughted from Charles City on 21st Novr 1776 and put under the command of Benja Harrison, Jr.:
Benja Harrison, Capt
Willm Edloe, Jur, Lieut.
Henry Vaughan, Sgt.
Turner Southall, Sgt.
John Nibb (Knibb), Sgt.
Tom Morecock, Corpls
John Redwood, Corpls
Edmund Christian, Corpls
Gideon Bailey
Henry Wills
William Walker
Richard Gill
William Tenit
Alexander M. Brown
Benjamin Buck
John Royster
Henry Harvey
Richard Barnes
William Hardiman
Thomas Warburton
Robert Maynard
John Nancy
Stephen Hughes
George Baker
William Floyd
Lewis Crutchfield
Thomas Gill
Benjamin Hughes
Charles Carter
John Major
John Atkinson
William Burton
John Wilcox
Henry Finch
Samuel Butler
William Harrison
John New
John Stubblefield
Henry Roach
David Wilkinson
Thomas Butler
John Colgin
Benja Apperson
Charles Holdsworth
Edward Clark
William Wilson
Richard Cole
Allen M. Brown
Harrison Pearman
William Phillips
John Smith
Samuel Christian
Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolutionary War, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1775-1783
21 Nov 1776
Militia drafted from Charles City
5 Sep 1663
Not stated (Charles City, Bristol Parish, see Deed of Henry Randolph)
Hen. Randolph, 244 A. 3R. 8P at the head of land surveyed for John Strudivant, 17 May 1673.
Granted to John GILLAM. 5 Sept 1663, deserted & granted sd. Randolph 21 Sept 1671. Trans. Of 5 pers: Geo Huntt, Law. Pitt., Eliz. Gurton (or Garron); Tom & Maria Negroes.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, 125
22 Sep 1682
Charles City, Bristol Parish
Jarvis Dix, 132 acs. 22 Sep 1682
S. side of Appamattox Riv. Beg. At the Citty Cr. Mouth; along Wm. Gower’s line, near Mrs. GILLAM’S line to cor. of Barker & Leden; &c. Trans. Of 3 Negroes Guy, George, Thomas
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, 242
20 Oct 1689
Charles City, Bristol Parish
Mr. John GILLOM, 261 acs. 20 Oct 1689
In Chas. Citty. Co., Bristoll Par., on s. side of Appamoattuck Riv. Beg. At a point of Rocks, & adj. Hugh Leaden’s land. Imp. Of 6 pers.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, 339
2 Sep 1723
Prince George
John GILLUM of Charles City, 366 acs. 2 Sep 1723
(N.L.) on forks of Bowen’s Br. Of Nummisseen Cr; adj. Robert Bolling, near the Outward Hunting Path; 40 Shill
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume III, 246
Abt 1710
Petition of Citizens of Charles City County, About 1710.
Charles City County
To the Hon’ble the Liu’t Governer,
And the Hon'ble Councill and Burgessess of this present Gen'll Assembly.
The Inhabitants of the Said County
Humbly shew,
That this County of Charles Citty by being lately Divided into two Countys And that part which is now Charles Citty County being but one third part of what it was before it was Divided is Reduced into soe Small a Quantetie of Tithables that the taxes are soe great that the poor Inhabitants of the Said County are not able to Subsist which Causeth many to Remove out of the Said County into other Countys where there are more Tithables to bare the burthen, p'pole which they finde is a great Ease to them which causeth many to Remove dayley: and the Said County being bounded on every Side with the Several Countys adjacent that it is alltogether Impossible to Inlarge the Same without taking from Some of the adjacent Countys to add to this And forasmuch as that part of James Citty County which lieth above Chickahomony River & bounds on the Lower Side of this County being soe very convenient to this County of Charles Citty and soe very inconvenient to James City County to the great grief of the people there Inhabiting and &c: The Inhabitants of Charles Citty County therefore Humbly praye that Your Hon'rs and the Worshipfull the Burgessess of this present Gen'll Assembly Will be pleas'd to take the Same into your Serious Consideration and agree that a law maye be made for the ading and Joyning of that part of James Citty County which lieth above Chickahomony River as affore Said unto Charles Citty County and that the Said River called Chickahomony River maye be for the future the bounds Dividing James Citty and Charles Citty Countys which will be very much to the Sattisfaction of the Inhabitants of that part of James Citty County and to all the Inhabitants in Gen'lI of Charles Citty County and a great ease to both: &c:
And they as in duty bound shall ever praye,
Rich'd Bradford | Jno. Stokes |
Rich'd Dennis | Tho. Blanker |
Val. Minge | John Hunt |
Hen. Harvey | Rich Gillum |
Edward Cocke | Jeffery Monford |
Jno. Minge | Wm. Ingram |
Wm. Tomson | Wm. Poyder. |
Sam'l Rusill | Geo. Sharptoe |
Jno. Hamison | Chas. Hardwood |
Jno. Roper | Rich'd Bradford Jur. |
Jos. Harwood | |
Jno. Evens | Rob't [his R. B. mark] Brooks |
Turner Huntt | |
Thos. Poynter | Jno. Drinkwater |
Ed. Grosse | Wm. Shands |
Jno. Huntt | Jno. Epes |
David Jones | Sam'l Harwood, Jur. |
Geo. Hunt | James Mander |
Thomas Gregory |
Inhabitants of Cha's City Pet'n the Assembly that the part of James City above Chickahominy river may be joined to Charles City.
Personal Property and Land Taxes
1790 Personal Property
Jeffrey GILLIAM, 2 white males, 2 horses
1800 Personal Property
John GILLIAM, 1 white male above 16, 1 black male above 16, 2 horses
James GILLIAM, 1 white male above 16
Jeffrey GILLIAM, 3 white males above 16, 2 black males above 16, 1 horse.
[From the Will of Jeffery GILLIAM it does not appear that John and James are sons of Jeffrey.]
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Jun 1761
Will of Epaphroditus GILLIAM
June Court 1761 Will of Epaphroditus GILLIAM, dec'd presented by William Green Munford, the Exec and proved by John Sherman Gregory and James McMannis, with John Brooks and Thomas Russell security.
Charles City County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
25 Apr 1768
Inventory of Jeffry Thompson
Value £76.2.3 by Jeffry Gilliam, Thomas Russell, Wm Green Munford
Rec: 4 Jan 1769
Charles City County, VA Will and Deed Book 1766-1774., page 97
25 Sep 1768
Will of Jeffrey GILLIAM
In the name of God Amen, I Jeffery GILLIAM of the county of Charles city being sick & weak but of perfect senses and memory doe make and ordain this my last will & Testament in manner and form as followeth.
Item I give to my son Richard GILLIAM one-shilling sterling money of Great Britain
Item I lend to my daughter Ann GILLIAM the use of the plantation whereon Francis Drake now lives containing sixty acres during the time she lives unmarried and after her marriage or death I give the said land to my son Jeffery GILLIAM to him and his heirs forever. I also give unto said son Jeffery GILLIAM the land & plantation whereon I now live together with the bed and furniture
I __ four pewter plates & one iron pott to him & his heirs forever.
Item, my will and desire is that all the rest of my estate of what kindsoever be sold to the highest bidder and the money arising there from to be equally divided between my four children vizt Richard GILLIAM, Ann GILLIAM, Judith Drake and Mary GILLIAM to them & their heirs
Lastly, I nominate & appoint my son Jeffery GILLIAM, my whole & sole executor of this my last will & testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 25th day of September 1768
Wit: Wm Green Munford, John Bowry
Signed: Jeffry (I) GILLIAM
Recorded 1 Feb 1769
Charles City County, VA, Wills and Deeds, 1766, page 106
5 Apr 1769
Inventory of Jeffry Gilliam
Value £43.0.3 by Stephen Bowry, Wm Leonard, John Bowry
Rec 5 Apr 1769
Page 122
1 Dec 1771
Will of William West of Westover Parish, Charles City, County
Lend to wife Mary, all of estate for widowhood to educate and maintain my four children: William, Edward, John and Peter till age 15, then Edward, John and Peter to be bound to a trade. Son William to be bound to at wife’s discretion. To those to be bound out, each £10.
To son William the land and plantation I live on at my wife’s death, and rest of estate divided among other 3 sons.
Exe: wife, my brother John West and Wm Green Munford.
Wit: Jeffry Gilliam, James Thomson, Mary Thomson
Sig: William West
Rec: 1 Jan 1772
William Leonard, John Bowry, and Littlebury Cocke, security
page 332
26 May 1795
Will of Ann GILLIAM
In the name of God amen, I Ann GILLIAM of the county of Charles City being sick and weak in body but of perfect sense and memory thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say
Principally and first of all I recommended my soul into the hands of almighty God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in Christian decent burial at the discretion of my friends and for such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with I give desire and dispose of in the following manner and form
First, I give and bequeath to my brother Jeffery GILLIAM’s daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM, one feather bed and furniture Also I give and bequeath to my sister in law Sarah GILLIAM ten pounds also I give and bequeath to my brother Jeffery GILLIAM one negro man named Bob and should his wife out live him, I give the aforesaid Negro man to her during life and if the said Negro man, Bob, should out live Jeffery GILLIAM and his wife, my desire is that the said Negro man be hired out yearly and the money equally divided among the children of my brother Jeffery
Also I give and bequeath to my brother Jeffery GILLIAM all the residue of my estate of every kind whatsoever at my decease. I do hereby constitute my brother Jeffery sole executor of this my last will and testament satisfying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 26th day of May one thousand seven hundred and ninety five
Ann (her X mark) GILLIAM
Signed sealed and in presence of Giddaythan Gipson, William M. Murrell
At a monthly Court held for Charles City County on Thursday the seventeenth day of September 1795, the afore written last will and Testament of Ann GILLIAM deceased was proved by the oaths of Giddaythan Gibson and William M. Murrell the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Jeffery GILLIAM the Executor therein named who made oath as the law directs and together with Joseph Mountcastle and William M. Murrell his securities entered into & acknowledged their bond in the penalty of seven hundred and sixty dollars conditioned according to Law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Teste Otway Byrd, CC
Charles City County, VA, Will Book 1, page 218
30 Mar 1816
Will of Jeffrey GILLIAM
In the name of God amen. I Jeffery GILLIAM of the county of Charles city being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank God and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being desirous to dispose of all my worldly estate in the manner and form following
1st It is my will and desire that all my estate of every description be sold, consisting of negroes, stock, of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs, household and kitchen furniture for the best price and out of the money arising there from all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid
2nd Item, I give to my fours grandsons Overton T., John, Robert and James GILLIAM one dollar each to them and their heirs forever
3rd Item I give to my two grandsons James and Edward Morecock children of my daughter Martha who married Thomas Morecock one dollar each to them and their heirs forever
4th Item I give to my daughter Betsy Gibson one dollar to her and her heirs forever
5thly Item, I give to my son Thomas GILLIAM ten pounds to him and his heirs forever
6thly Item, I give to my son Edward GILLIAM ten pounds to him and his heirs forever
7thly Item I give to my sons William and Edward GILLIAM the balance of my estate meaning the amount that will be left in my executors hands after paying the above legacies to be equally divided between them to them and their heirs forever
The money arising from my estate going to my son William GILLIAM it is my will and desire should remain in my executors hands to be applied to William GILLIAM’s only proper use.
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Thomas GILLIAM, executor to this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others or former wills made by me
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 30th day March one thousand eight hundred sixteen
Signed sealed and acknowledged
In the presence of
Edmond Binns
William Binns
Nancy Mountcastle
At a count held for Charles City County at the court house the 18th day of May 1816 the aforementioned last will and testament of Jeffery GILLIAM decd was presented in court and proved by the oaths of Edmond Binns & William Binns witnesses to the same and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Thomas GILLIAM the executor in said will named who made oath thereto according to law and with Hamlin Willcox has security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars conditioned as the awl directs certificate is granted him for the obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Teste. Wyatt Walker, CC
Proved 18 May 1816
Charles City County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 360
The Estate of Geffery GILLIAM decd in a/c with Thomas GILLIAM Exor
To Cash paid Thos GILLIAMs amt Trust deed | 93.09 |
To cash paid amt of a note due P. Wilkinson | 29.01 |
To cash paid Thos Morecock note and interest | 30.82 |
To cash paid William Douglass acct | 30.00 |
To cash paid William Douglass do | 12.11 1/2 |
To cash paid Richard Waddill a/c /s acct | 6.39 |
To cash paid Richd Waddill for crying est. | 3.00 |
To cash paid Direct Tax 1815 | 3.44 |
To cash paid John Ellis pr bill | 7.73 |
To cash paid H. Bowry? Tax this year | 8.26 |
To Cash paid G. Gibson for corn | 22.50 |
To Cash paid John Clarke note and interest | 46.93 |
To Cash paid Geo Hubbard’s acct | 11.00 |
To cash paid Edward Folkes amt for land | 49.00 |
To Cash paid John B. Christian, Jr. | 13.52? |
To cash paid Jesse Ladd county surveyor | 7.50 |
To cash paid Samuel Ladd bond and interest | 92.__? |
To Cash paid Cary Wilkinson a/c | _____ |
To Cash paid ____ tickets | 16.__ |
To this sum left in the hands of exor to pay John Minge exor of Braxton Harrison Balance due and bond | 60.00 |
Cash paid heirs here | 8.00 |
Cash paid G. Gibson’s legacy | 1.00 |
| 581.36 |
To ______ Commission on the amt of the Credit $1289 | 66.65 |
645.81 | |
By the amount of sales of the estate if Bob be the property of Geffery GILLIAM | 1289.67 |
To amount debt brought forward | 645.81 |
Do | 643.86 |
Interest from the 20th Febr 1817 to 20 Aug 1820 | 96.66 |
740.50 | |
By Thomas GILLIAM’s Legacy | 38.30 |
702.20 |
Pursuant to an order of Charles City Court hereto annexed we have this day met to settle up the executorial transactions of Thomas GILLIAM upon the estate of Jeffery GILLIAM decd and find the exor indebted to the estate of Jeffery GILLIAM the sum of seven hundred two dollars twenty cents provided Bob a negro man charged in the accts of sales be the property of Jeffery GILLIAM’s estate. But if Bob should not be the property of said Jeffery GILLIAM then the executor will be indebted to the said estate the sum of three hundred & sixty seven dollars & twenty cents given under our hands this 21st day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty.
William A. Christian
Jones R. Christian
Ro. Perkins
At a Court of Quarterly Session held for Charles City County the 16th day of November 1820. This audit of the Estate of Jeffery GILLIAM decd was returned to Court and Ordered to be recorded.
Ro. W. Christian Ck Cur.
[The question over the ownership of Negro Bob arises from the Will of Ann GILLIAM (see above), sister of Jeffery GILLIAM. Her Will states if Bob survives both Jeffery and his wife, then he is to be hired out and the proceeds divided equally amongst the heirs of Jeffery.]
Charles City County, VA, Will Book 2, page 375 (Inventory)
Charles City County, VA, Will Book 2, page 382 (Accounts)
Charles City County, VA, Will Book 2, page 473 (Audit)
Appraisement of the Estate of Jeffery Gilliam deceased made on the 20 of May 1816
2 dishes 3 basins, & 6 spoons, 1 lot pewter | 4. | 1 loom, etc | 8. |
1 lot crockery | 1.75 | 1 safe | 1.75 |
1 bowles etc | 1.50 | 1 pine chest, etc | 2. |
1 lot knives & forkes | 2. | 1 poplar cupboard | 2.50 |
1 lot tin war etc | 1.25 | 2 counterpanes | 10. |
1 lot bottles, etc | 1.25 | 1 table cloth | 1.50 |
3 jugs | 3. | 1 winding reel | .13 |
5 butter pots | 2.50 | 1 hog | 3. |
1 lot carpenters tools | 8. | 15 head sheep | 30. |
1 pr steelyards | 1.50 | 1 yellow cow and calf | 15. |
2 smothing irons and skillet | 1.25 | 1 white back cow and calf | 16 |
Spinning wheel and harness loom | 2.25 | 1 bell cow | 10. |
1 pine table | .50 | 1 read and white heifer | 12. |
Lot tubs and pales | .75 | 2 heifers | 16. |
3 riddles | 1. | 1 bay horse | 40. |
1 frying pan and gridiron | 1 | 1 bay mare | 10. |
2 wedges | 1.25 | 5 hens and roosters | 1.25 |
Grindstone and 3 axes | 3. | Negro man Bob | 250. |
1 pot tea kettle etc | 1 | Woman Philliss | 300. |
1 duck [sic] oven | 2.25 | Small boy Peter | 150 |
1 iron mortar and pestle and large pot | 3. | 2 barrels | .50 |
1 weeding hoe | 2.50 | Scales, weights and Wool cardes | 1.50 |
2 harrow hoes | .83 | 2 empty hhd etc | .75 |
2 gums and augurs and bill | 1.50 | ||
1 raw hides and lambskin | 3.25 | ||
1 saddle and bridle | 1.50 | ||
Collars and hames | .75 | ||
Lot barrels and gums | 3. | ||
2 guns | 5. | ||
1 double gig and harness | 30. | ||
Cart | 3. | ||
1 cross cut saw | 2. | ||
Lot barrels and basket | 1.25 | ||
1 scythe cradle | .25 | ||
1 iron bound hhd and parcel of corn | 2.75 | ||
1 gin case and bottles and jug | 2. | ||
1 plough | .25 | ||
1 walnut table | 4. | ||
1 large table | 8. | ||
2 walnut desk | 10. | ||
1 chest of drawers | 2. | ||
1 dressing table | 1.25 | ||
1 lot chairs | 2. | ||
1 looking glass | 1. | ||
1 bed and furniture | 35. | ||
1 bed and furniture | 35. | ||
1 bed and furniture | 35. |
We the undersigned agreeable to an order of the court hereunto annexed having been duly sworn have duly and justly appraised the estate of Jeffery Gilliam decd as within given under our hands this 15th Augt 1816
Sig: Wm A. Christian, Edmd Binns, Richd Binns
In Chas. City county court 18 May 1816 ordered that Edmund Bins, William A. Christian and Henry B. Christian and Richard Binns or any three of them after having been just sworn for that purpose before some Justice of the peace truly and justly appraise the Estate of Jeffery Gilliam, decd and return the appraisement under their hands to the court.
The order of appraisement out not to have been recorded and should not be cop’d if a copy to the app is ____
Ro. W. Christian, DC
Witnesses, etc.
25 Dec 1689
Inventory of James Thompson, indebted to Jeffry GILLIAM
Charles City County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
30 Mar 1720
Will of Edward Grice
Witnesses: Henry Soane, Richard GILLIAM & Edward Grice witness
Charles City County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
April 1745, Court
Estate of Minerva Stone
James Bell, James Bell, Jr., Justinian Justice and Epaphroditus GILLIAM to appraise estate of Menerva Stone, decd.
Charles City County, VA, Court Orders, 1737-1751, page 344
May 1747, Court
Estate of Daniel Clarke
Thomas Miller granted Adm. of estate of Daniel Clarke, dec'd.
Epaphroditus GILLUM, Jacob Waddill, Justinian Justis and James Bell Jr. to appraise estate.
Charles City County, VA,Court Orders, 1737-1751, page 439
April 1750, Court
Will of James Clarke
The Will of James Clarke presented by Sarah Clarke and William Clarke, the executors, and proved by William Beadle and Epaphroditus GILLIAM who say they saw Edward Major also witness same. James Bell, Jr., Henry Soane, Edward Major and Epaphroditus GILLIAM to appraise the estate.
Charles City County, VA, Court Orders, 1737-1751_, page 544
November Court 1750
Will of James Howl presented by Elizabeth and Absalom Howl, the executors and proved.
Epaphroditus Gilliam and Thomas Russell security.
page 588
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous Correspondences, 1998-present.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Flythe, Bonnie. Numerous Correspondences, 1998-present.
- Gwathmey, John H. Historical reg. Of Virginians in the Rev., soldiers, sailors and marines, 1775-1783. Richmond, VA. 1938. (13, 872p.), 308
- Major-Marable Family Papers in the Special Collections of the Rockefeller Library of the Williamsburg Foundation.
- Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-7. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co.
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, number 3 (01-AUG-1990), Charles City County, Virginia, Fragments from the Court Minutes, 1769
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XVII, number 4 (01-OCT-1979), Fragmentary Will & Deed Book, Charles City County
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXX, number 3 (01-AUG-1992), A Physician's Accounts, 1804-1807
- Schipper, Martin. Section 28, Cocke, Benjamin (1781-1836), Deeds of Trust, 1824-1825, Records of Ante-Bellum Southern Plantations From the Revolution Through the Civil War, Series M: Selections from the Virginia Historical Society, Part 3: Other Tidewater Virginia
- Weisiger III, Benjamin B. Charles City County, Virginia Court Orders 1687-1695 with a Fragment of a Court Order Book for the Year 1680. Self published, Richmond, VA.